There is no better place to connect with fellow stitchers and to find cross stitch and embroidery inspiration than Instagram. Now with the ability to follow hashtags, it's even easier to keep tabs on on the crafts you love.
Here are some of our favorite hashtags for cross stitch, embroidery, and modern makers. Don't forget to follow us at @stitchedmodern for even more stitchy inspiration, tips, and projects!
The basics
These are the hashtags to get you started. They are a great way to find new designs and to connect with other stitchers. You will find lots of photos of works in progress to inspire you along in your own stitching.
- #moderncrossstitch
- #crossstitchersofinstagram
- #xstitchersofinstagram
- #xstitch
- #crossstitch
- #crossstitching
- #xstitching
- #modernembroidery
- #handstitched
- #embroidery
- #handembroidery
- #needlework
- #needlecraft
Beyond the basics
Delve deeper into the cross stitch and embroidery world with the hashtags in this list. The #dmcthreads tag alone is enough to take you down the Instagram rabbit hole. Other favorites on this list are #stitchersgonnastitch and #modernembroiderymovement.
- #stitchedmodern (of course!)
- #dmcthreads
- #crossstitchlove
- #crossstitchaddict
- #flosstube
- #365daysofcrossstitch
- #stitchersgonnastitch
- #instastitch
- #modernembroiderymovement
- #embroideryart
- #embroideryfloss
- #hoopart
- #oldladyhobbies
- #stitchmaynia
Curated collections
One of the best places to find gorgeous images is a hashtag associated with a curated account. Hashtags like #embroideryinstaguild and #nicegirlsneedleclub were created specifically to showcase amazing work, so they are full of inspiration and loveliness.
- #feelingstitchyig / @feelingstitchyish
- #embroiderylove / @embroiderylove
- #mrxstitch / @mrxstitch
- #embroideryinstaguild / @embroidery_instaguild
- #nicegirlsneedleclub / @nicegirlsneedleclub
Go international
It's fun to see what stitchers across the globe are up to. Here are some international hashtags to get you started.
- #korsstygn (Swedish)
- #kruissteek (Dutch)
- #borduren (Dutch)
- #puntodecruz (Spanish)
- #puntocroce (Italian)
- #kreuzstich (German)
- #pontodecruz (Portugese)
- #クロスステッチ (Japanese)
- #broderie (French)
- #pointdecroix (French)
- #вышивка (Russian)
- #вышивкакрестиком (Russian)
- #etamin (Turkish)
Specialty stitches
Cross stitch and embroidery aren't the only types of needlework out there. These hashtags for other types of hand stitching techniques will help you explore new possibilities.